Learn how 8-bar forms shape the emotional expression of a theme. Go well beyond the classical forms of the sentence and period with 12 different 8-bar forms and their 16-bar versions as well. Examples of each form are drawn from major feature films and at the end of the course, sample compositions compare different forms with given opening ideas. Composition exercises with answers are included in MIDI format for DAWs, MusicXML for notation software, and PDF and MP3 for pencil and paper.
Course Content
- The 12 Types of 8-Bar Themes
- Components of the First 4 Bars
- Components of the Last 4 Bars
- Basic Forms – The Sentence and Clause
- The Basic Idea
- The Repeated Basic Idea
- Acceleration – The Sentence
- Variation – The Clause
- Basic Forms – The Period and Composite
- The Contrasting Idea
- Return – The Period
- Difference (no acceleration) – The Composite
- Developing Forms
- The Developing Idea
- Developing Sentence
- Developing Clause
- Developing Period
- Developing Composite
- Hybrid and Compound Forms
- Hybrid Forms – Overview
- Hybrid Sentence
- Hybrid Clause
- Hybrid Period
- Hybrid Composite
- Compound Sentence & Clause
- Compound Period & Composite
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